Tuesday, 16 June 2009

New Dawn

So I haven't posted here in about six months. Why? Well, a combination of many issues.

Firstly those pages to the side which you may or may not have noticed have disappeared were annoying because I always had to update them whenever I got gear and such and just ugh, no. Too much of a pain in the ass, so I've deleted them... should increase motivation to post.

Also, I've been busy with a variety of things both ingame and out and completely forgot about this blog to be honest. However, due to many people asking for an update I guess I should get around to it at some point!

So what has happened since 2008...?

Well, I left Wish shortly after finishing my Homam set as I told Cyr when I joined. Why did I leave? I applied to the most powerful and prestigious endgame linkshell on the server, ApkalluVendetta. I didn't expect to get in, especially since I had no mage 75. However ...

This was after my trial period which lasted about two weeks. I haven't been kicked yet :)

And other experiences, truly a great linkshell. During my course in AV I obtained many prestigious items, such as...

(I'm not a cat, I just adore plasticsurgeon. Mithra is too sexy not to play).

Ace's Helm and Hecatomb Cap in particular, two drops which I have desired forever. Amazing to finally have them, although both were painful to get.

ApkalluVendetta broke and reformed as Repentance which I am currently in now after a lot of members server transferred, but we're still incredibly strong. Did an eight-man KB today; quick kill, 0 deaths, 0 meteors, which led onto...

I've wanted Pixie for a long time so I was very happy to get it (also Koenig Diechlings which are actually good if used properly)!

I also got my fourth 75~

Red Mage, an amazing job. So versatile and so powerful, definitely one of my favourites. Speaking of which, I am steadily developing my solo talents as it is my favourite part of the job and game, so I might write up some basic guides for this and specific mob strategies later. I'm far from an adept, but I'm working on it and would welcome input.

Hmm, this is a messy entry structurally but oh well!

Did Hagun ENM for a bit, had good luck with it. YES GALATEIA DID IN FACT DROP. Still can't get over that either.

Also since my last post I've been duoing a lot with my favourite RDM partner, Rienea :O she's not too bad a friend either. Dualboxing her makes her a cat too :D

Everyone should level RDM, seriously. Immense job.

Anyway, very messy and extremely late post I know :( hopefully I'll update again soon. There were loads more screenshots but they'd be boring to go through... I'll just leave you with this.


Anonymous said...



He totally haxed my account to give me a Jelly Ring. What a bastard.

>:3 ?

Anonymous said...

More drk!