Saturday, 26 September 2009


So, ffxiapp and NASA met the hammer of justice from SE. This news would have been a glorious revelation in times past, but it seems like a hollow victory now.

There are many other bots. People will simply move on to them... and it's sad because most people who play FFXI bot. Most people don't care at all; simply an accepted reality.

Why do we play this game? Endgame is a bloated joke of its former self; an RMT/botting joke. A lot of people buy/sell accounts... botting is the name of the game, and people will quit only to come back on new characters to re-acquire the same gear they did... then lose interest and sell again.

What is the point? The whole experience feels hollow these days. The adventure is gone, and all that is left are the stark realities of botting, RMT, huge timesinks, forced grouping and pathetically low drop rates.

HNM is a huge botting/RMT hellhole without skill, with only the certainties of wasted hours to come. My LS splinters and crumbles with lack of attendance and so my time ingame is spent doing nothing but waiting on the whims of other players, hoping to be allowed to play. And if I do get to play? What is the point in the end.

Final Fantasy XI is Botting RMT Fantasy XI.


Anonymous said...

Yet, you are still a fag.

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you, but HNM isn't the only end game activity. And most of those people DON'T bot.

Raen Ryong said...

I agree that it isn't and it's probably made me very jaded :(

If you looked at any of the ffxi-app lists on the site before it went down, you can see how many active users were on the server at any one time. On Bahamut, typically 1/3 of the population at any given time was using ffxi-app; and that's only one of many botting programs :(

I just hope FF14's systems are refined enough so that botting is only undertaken by a very extreme minority (wishful thinking would eliminate it all but I doubt it); FFXI's tedious systems lend themselves very well to automated control.

Anonymous said...

Actually. I have to agree with Ivve. Your a bad bad bad person rae. You help me pick up tanking. Now I am so good at it each time I get on this game and look at just about any other tank it makes me QQ.

Ps. Word up from team fgt~


Raen Ryong said...
