Monday, 20 October 2008

Thief's Evolution

Just making a quick post since I've posted enough text for one week. THF has jumped forward a GREAT deal this week...

This lootpool must be symbolic in some way. It was the last Omega lootpool I ever saw in Cetra ... signifying the end of that era, but also the beginning of another. Why? Read on...

Wish is a fun LS to be in because everything is much more lowman than what I'm used to in Cetra and from a lootwhoring perspective, it uses a points system and so is very fair in that you WILL get a return on your hard work.

By some miracle... my points were high enough to lot the body!!

It's like a dream come true to be honest, never thought I'd get that dream body... so insanely good for THF and I'm debating TPing in it on mobs I have no trouble hitting for damage (since triple attack +2.5% should outdo the str and atk thing in a TP build sense over time)... however, info on BG contradicts 2.5% TA and says it may only be 1% TA, though people aren't sure yet. I'd like to see some conclusive proof.

Seku, Shanian and me from Wish there in order. Congrats on your err Homam Heads guys! I would've brought mine along for 4/5 Homam but Bahamut's Mask looks better and is actually useful. SO! Yeah.

The second part of the THF upgrade involves perseverance and an annoying bird.

4-boxed kill, I was controlling everyone involved at that time so it was a VERY rough fight. Also notice my fail lot. Before I get people wishing me to die etc, that puts me at 1/33 so I'm hardly that lucky with it! So happy... Thief is getting so pimped. Now if only X's Knife would drop, hint hint!

Trotter Boots: most appreciative thanks to Miah (as always), Jexen, Tenbroya, Sakurawr, Muramasamune, Cipura, Klown, Bautier, Bigjon, Nemises, Ginge and Rienea who all helped for certain kills along the road. I appreciate it, guys! If I've missed anyone poke me ingame or something and I'll add your name here too!

Oh, and if you read this blog and/or can somehow tolerate me writing too much, gimme some comments! I always like to hear input and that. I realise nobody will read my huge Thief rant last post but still! It feels good to write it down.

Oh, and for the record, Homam Corazza is as freaking amazing as hoped.

Raen Ryong


Tenbroya said...

Gratz mate!!! very hot booties!

Now if you could just focus on Mandau/X's you would be a Pimp ass mofo.

And I have to tolerate you irl, so your blog is not a problem!

Anonymous said...

i expect a mandau by next week or your mullet licence is revoked.

grats though!

Raen Ryong said...

God, I'd love a Mandau. And what happens if my license is revoked :O don't turn me into one of the bald humes. You know the ones...

After X's Knife mainly at the moment, really need to start trying for one again.

Oh and if anyone is feeling generous, I accept donations of Hecatomb Hat/Hands/Legs, Love Torque etc etc :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats :P I enjoyed the entry.

Looking good!

~ Hope

Raen Ryong said...

Ooh, thanks :D I need to update sometime soon but it's what to write about really, nothing earth-shaking going on.

I'll think of something soon I suppose :p

Klown said...

You are a loser Raen.