Friday, 19 September 2008

Paladin's Ascension


Pictures say it all.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Surcoat Raen !
Good to see you got a high desire drop.
And just 1 piece of Homam going, sounds like it's doable.

Raen Ryong said...

Hehe, thank you Norrs! Just need Homam Hands for PLD now on high-priority; Koenig Schaller and a Shadow Ring would be nice, but they're not in the league of the Homam Manopolas.

Valor Cape would be awesome too, but other Paladins deserve that piece first, definitely.

Need a Homam Corazza for THF and DRK zerg (2handed) too! All should come in good time though, as long as Omega doesn't decide he likes head again.

Anonymous said...

hawt pig is hawt! <3