Sunday 21 December 2008

Unquenchable Light

After months, and months of waiting...

Hard work, twice a week every week. Great drama and frustration.

Achievement, reaching up to the lofty heavens. One by one, the five pieces fell.

Until the last. It ended this week.

After months. The full set was mine. My glorious dream since I had started doing endgame, roughly 14 months ago, finally achieved. Suffice to say I was absolutely ecstatic at having received my full set.

Ignore the random gear in that screenshot; Paladin looks set. Full Homam (head not pictured due to it being pretty crappy)! In other FF news, I've been levelling BLU lately and this may just be my next to 75... though learning spells can either suck or be fine. Very mixed; sometimes I spend 5 minutes, sometimes 5 hours. Oh well, it's a nice diversion and unique to the job at least. Need a Voyager Sallet now but nobody to camp it with sadly, but I can hardly be unhappy with 5/5 Homam (and by extension, the prospect of dinging into full Homam at 75)!

I'll likely write more later! Just had to relate this monumental occasion.